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It's Meow-gic!

Role: Designer, Level Designer, QA


Students at FIEA participate in projects called Rapid-Prototypes, short 2 week themed games made on teams that fill in the time between regular classes. It's Meow-gic! was categorized as "narrative", so the team and me decided to take it literally and tell a story right out of a story book. 

With our main cat-aracter Utcat the Wizard being able to draw shapes on screen and bring them to reality to platform around the level with, designing levels that can be solved more than one way was a priority.  With a fully voiced picture book narrative and an adorable art style, It's Meow-gic was a blast to work on. Especially considering I had to physically draw the levels in engine using the same tools the player uses, it isn't hard to see why I looked forward to working on this game every day.

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